Nursing Home Cited for Resident Abuse, Other Serious Violations

Posted on behalf of Jeff Pitman on May 21, 2024 in Nursing Home Abuse

walker at end of hallway in senior homeMontrose Health Center in Lee County is again being cited and fined for serious violations due to inadequate resident care. The Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing (DIAL) has proposed fines against the facility totaling $44,250 for numerous violations.

New Citations Against Montrose Health Center

The most recent violations against Montrose are especially serious because they put residents’ safety and well-being at risk. These violations include:

  • Resident abuse
  • Significant medication errors
  • Inaccurate assessments
  • Poor care quality
  • Untreated pressure sores
  • Inadequate incontinence care
  • Improper pain management
  • Insufficient staff training

Fines Being Assessed Against Montrose

Montrose was assessed with a $30,000 fine for repeated instances of inadequate nursing services.

Resident-on-Resident Abuse

According to a news article, inspectors noted staff failed to prevent resident-on-resident aggression and physical abuse.

Substandard/Inadequate Respiratory Care Resulting in a Near-Fatal Incident

Staff waited several days to provide proper medical care for a female resident known to have a history of respiratory failure. They finally had the woman taken to a hospital after finding her sitting in a chair, unresponsive.

Poor Pain Management

An inspector also observed a nurse roughly treat a resident with a pressure sore. The resident, who was gasping and screaming in pain, was not offered anything for pain management. She was simply told to think “happy thoughts” during the obviously painful procedure.

Montrose Has a Troubled History

Montrose, which is owned by Iowa developers Mark Holtkamp and Kevin Kidwell, has faced $75,472 in federal fines since 2022. In 2021, an administrative law judge ruled a nurse’s resignation due to unsafe staffing levels was justified. He also granted her unemployment benefits. In 2020, the home was cited for placing COVID-negative residents with positive ones and allowing COVID-positive staff to care for uninfected residents.

Do You Need Legal Help for a Case of Nursing Home Abuse? Call PKSD Today

At PKSD, we are deeply committed to protecting nursing home residents from elderly abuse. We advocate for victims of nursing home abuse and neglect every day, something we have been doing for many years.

Our experienced Wisconsin-based nursing home abuse lawyers have the resources and experience to build a solid case on your behalf. We encourage you to call our law offices even if you are unsure if you have legal options in your situation. We offer a free initial consultation to discuss your situation, answer your questions and determine whether you may have a case.

We are here to help you. Call our law offices 24/7 to request your free case review. We currently accept cases in Wisconsin, Iowa and New Mexico.

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