More Iowa Care Facilities Facing Serious Citations

Posted on behalf of Jeff Pitman on August 13, 2024 in Nursing Homes and Elder Rights

Elderly man sitting alone in nursing home, neglectedRecent inspections of care facilities across Iowa have revealed a similar thread of significant violations. These issues are not new and they have been a persistent issue for many years. Residents continue to suffer significant and fatal harm for reasons that include poor oversight, understaffing and abuse.

These findings should serve as a wake-up call for both the healthcare industry and the public. There is an urgent need to find new ways to improve standards and oversight in the care of our elderly population.

Recent Inspections of Iowa Facilities Reveal Alarming Issues

State inspections conducted over the past few months have uncovered a range of violations in several Iowa care facilities. These violations range from medication errors and insufficient staffing to more severe cases of resident abuse and, in one instance, a resident’s death. The gravity of these findings has prompted state regulators to impose substantial fines and demand immediate corrective actions.

Facilities Facing Major Violations and Their Consequences

Several long-term care facilities in Iowa are being cited for multiple severe violations, including:

Park View Homes, Sioux City

This 45-bed facility for people with disabilities received the most severe citations. An $8,000 fine was imposed following a three-month inspection that revealed multiple federal and state regulatory violations. In an especially alarming situation, staff failed to attempt CPR on an unresponsive resident, leading to the resident’s death. The facility also received an additional $5,000 fine for not adhering to dietary restrictions, resulting in a choking incident.

Fort Dodge Health and Rehabilitation

This care facility was assessed $500 in fines after they failed to report a known act of resident abuse to state regulators. The incident involved a staff member who verbally abused a resident who experienced an episode of incontinence.

Stacyville Community Nursing Home

A $5,000 fine was imposed on Stacyville Community for a medication error that led to a resident’s hospitalization. Other citations against the facility include failing to meet federal requirements for registered nurse coverage and staffing shortages.

Hillcrest Health Care Center of Hawarden

Hillcrest Health was assessed with a substantial $25,500 fine for repeatedly failing to follow dietary restrictions, which put residents at risk of choking. This was a repeat violation, as the facility was previously fined $8,500 for the same issue in January.

Aase Hagen Home of Decorah

A $13,500 fine was levied against Aase Hagen for repeatedly failing to protect residents from a hazard. Staff improperly used a mechanical lift while transferring a resident in and out of bed. The resident fell as a result.

Osage Rehab and Health Care Center

This facility faced a $7,250 fine for improper tube feeding practices that led to a resident developing aspiration pneumonia and septic shock. The resident was hospitalized and potentially suffered brain damage due to oxygen deprivation.

What Are Some of the Common Themes of These Violations?

It is concerning that there is a common thread of the types of recurring violations seen in long-term care. These issues are not new, but have been an ongoing problem in many facilities for years, including:

  • Medication errors
  • Insufficient staffing
  • Lack of proper training
  • Failure to follow dietary restrictions

The Human Cost: Impact on Residents and Families

Behind each of these violations are real people whose health and well-being have been compromised. From the resident who lost their life due to staff’s failure to perform CPR to those who suffered choking incidents or developed severe health complications, the human cost of these lapses in care is immeasurable. Families place their trust in these facilities to care for their loved ones, and these incidents betray that trust.

Regulatory Response and Fines

The Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals has responded to these violations with fines ranging from $500 to $25,500. While these financial penalties are significant, questions remain about whether they are sufficient to drive meaningful change in the industry.

What Is the Path Forward to Improving Nursing Home Care in Iowa?

The recent citations against Iowa care facilities remind us of the ongoing challenges of trying to ensure our elderly receive quality care in their nursing homes.

The ongoing issues with serious violations are a wake-up call that we need a multi-faceted approach to increase regulators and oversight in these facilities, including:

  • Enhanced staff training and competency assessments
  • Improved staffing ratios to ensure adequate care
  • Stricter enforcement of existing regulations
  • Regular, unannounced inspections
  • Greater transparency in reporting violations and corrective actions

Concerned About a Loved One in Long-Term Care? Call PKSD Today

At PKSD, we understand how difficult it is to put a loved one in long-term care. When families make this difficult decision, it is often because they believe their loved one can receive better care than living on their own or at home. Some individuals have no other option but to live in a nursing home, but these individuals should also expect quality care in a safe and clean environment.

If you are concerned a loved one is being neglected or abused in his or her nursing home, we are prepared to help.

Contact our law offices today to discuss your situation and potential legal options. We have a history of proven results, and a highly skilled team of nursing home abuse lawyers.

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